The Road Home with Ethan Nichtern
Oren Jay Sofer visits the Road Home Podcast for a conversation about integrating our spiritual practices into how we communicate.
At thirty-six years old, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche was a rising star within his generation of Tibetan masters and the respected abbot of three monasteries.
Anna Sale wants you to have that conversation. You know the one. The one that you’ve been avoiding or putting off, maybe for years.
Genuine healing occurs when we take ourselves mercifully into our own hearts and accept the totality of our lives. This healing of the soul or spirit, says Stephen Levine, is independent of bodily healing. We harden our hearts when we fail to forgive ourselves of our own pain.
Some Afro-Diasporan traditions like Palo Mayombe require certain things to be done with the body after death.
Beyond personal history and archetypal themes, a comprehensive psychology must also address the fundamental significance of birth and death. Stanislav Grof, M.D.