Hidden Brain Podcast
This week, we revisit a favorite episode about a phenomenon known as "egocentric bias," and look at how this bias can lead us astray.
This classic book, first published in 1991, was one of the first to propose the “embodied cognition” approach in cognitive science. It pioneered the connections between phenomenology and science and between Buddhist practices and science—claims that have since become highly influential.
The diagnosis and the treatment fit the era in which they occurred. It was the early 1950's, and the field of psychosomatic medicine — based on the notion that many diseases have their origins in emotional distress — was in its heyday.
A short lecture from the Psychosomatics Student Group Riga by Kamiar-K. Rückert. Talking about the History of the Mind and Body in medicine as well as the Physiology (Stress-Fear Axis, Epigenetics and Psychoimmunology).
The term ‘psychosomatic’ means mind and body related. A psychosomatic disorder is a physical disease which is caused, or worsened, by mental factors. The term is also used when mental factors cause physical symptoms but where there is no physical disease.
A short lecture from the Psychosomatics Student Group Riga by Kamiar-K. Rückert. Talking about the different psychodynamic theories of Psychosomatic Medicine.
For thousands of years, yoga has offered what Western therapists seek to provide today: a way to achieve the total health of body, mind, emotions, and spirit.