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Meditation, Emotions, and the Bio-Emotive Framework with Douglas Tataryn

Deconstructing Yourself

Host Michael Taft speaks with clinical psychologist and life coach, Douglas Tataryn, Ph.D. about meditation and psychology. Topics include his work with meditation teachers such as Culadasa, the “wake up, clean up, grow up, and look around” model, Wilber’s integral model. See more...

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F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way

In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying F**k It is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up, and finding real freedom by realizing that things don’t matter so much (if at all).

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWe live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private: and therefore starved for meditation and true friendship.

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Teilhard de Chardin—The Divine Milieu Explained: A Spirituality for the 21st Century

A series of ground-breaking spiritual methods that integrate science and faith according to the evolutionary spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin's The Divine Milieu.

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The Direct Path: Creating a Personal Journey to the Divine Using the World's Spiritual Traditions

Today more Americans than ever consider themselves to be "spiritual" people, and yet attendance at religious institutions is down, perhaps because many of us are searching for a way to encounter the divine on our own terms.

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Dark Night of the Soul