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Meditation, Emotions, and the Bio-Emotive Framework with Douglas Tataryn

Deconstructing Yourself

Host Michael Taft speaks with clinical psychologist and life coach, Douglas Tataryn, Ph.D. about meditation and psychology. Topics include his work with meditation teachers such as Culadasa, the “wake up, clean up, grow up, and look around” model, Wilber’s integral model. See more...

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Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Filled with secrets from a therapist’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.

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Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

Self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seek psychotherapy. It is a poison, preventing us from achieving the love, success and happiness we want in our lives.

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Trained Not to Cry: The Challenge of Being a Soldier | Richard Doss | TEDxNaperville

Members and Veterans of the US Armed Forces have unacceptably high suicide rates. Why? It’s not the combat experience like one would suggest, but a much more complex issue that needs to be talked about.

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How Telling Our Silenced Stories Can Change the World | Anne Hallward | TEDxDirigo

Shame is at the intersection of individual psychology healing and social change. Clinically, when we follow the path of our shame, we experience the greatest healing, and culturally, when we move past the power of shame we can act together to improve civil rights for all.

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After He and His Wife Are Diagnosed with Cancer, a Playwright Reckons with the Gift of Creativity that Trauma Can Bring

In the midst of trauma, everything means something. Signs and symbols appear. You’ve noticed them before, you’re a writer, but now you see them everywhere.

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Managing Cancer-Related Anxiety and General Mood Changes

Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment can impact a patient's mental well-being. This video discusses anxiety and general mood as it can relate to a cancer experience.

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The Big Ordeal

Coping with cancer is hard. It is an emotional ordeal as well as a physical one, with known and somewhat predictable psychological responses. And yet, patients often feel isolated and alone when dealing with the stress, anxiety, depression, and existential crises so typical with a cancer diagnosis.

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Coping with Cancer: DBT Skills to Manage Your Emotions—and Balance Uncertainty with Hope

This compassionate book presents dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a proven psychological intervention that Marsha M. Linehan developed specifically for the impossible situations of life--and which she and Elizabeth Cohn Stuntz now apply to the unique challenges of cancer for the first time.

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Moving Beyond Meditation

Grounded in our formal practice of meditation, we can relax into the vast, open awareness that is our ultimate nature. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche tells the story of his own introduction to the Great Perfection.

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Is Psychosomatic Medicine Real?

A short lecture from the Psychosomatics Student Group Riga by Kamiar-K. Rückert. Talking about the History of the Mind and Body in medicine as well as the Physiology (Stress-Fear Axis, Epigenetics and Psychoimmunology).

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Dark Night of the Soul