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Meditation, Emotions, and the Bio-Emotive Framework with Douglas Tataryn

Deconstructing Yourself

Host Michael Taft speaks with clinical psychologist and life coach, Douglas Tataryn, Ph.D. about meditation and psychology. Topics include his work with meditation teachers such as Culadasa, the “wake up, clean up, grow up, and look around” model, Wilber’s integral model. See more...

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The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Soul's Deepest Purpose

In The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford delivers her most practical and prescriptive book yet —a 21–day, life-changing program for spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with the soul’s deepest purpose.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageLife’s work is to wake up, to let the things that enter into the circle wake you up rather than put you to sleep. The only way to do this is to open, be curious, and develop some sense of sympathy for everything that comes along, to get to know its nature and let it teach you what it will.

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Debbie Ford - Right Questions

Debbie Ford talks about getting right answers from right questions. She asks herself whether this is an act of faith or an act of fear. Decisions we make based in trust rather than our most fearful self will be better.

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InBrief: Early Childhood Mental Health

Science tells us that the foundations of sound mental health are built early in life. Early experiences—including children’s relationships with parents, caregivers, relatives, teachers, and peers—interact with genes to shape the architecture of the developing brain.

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Ready or Not: Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing World

In The Price of Privilege, respected clinician, Madeline Levine was the first to correctly identify the deficits created by parents giving kids of privilege too much of the wrong things and not enough of the right things.

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Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery

The final volume in A. H. Almaas’ masterwork on the contemporary spiritual path known as the Diamond Approach. From one perspective, we can see ourselves merely as human beings struggling in a crowded and chaotic world of suffering.

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Dark Night of the Soul