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Meditation, Emotions, and the Bio-Emotive Framework with Douglas Tataryn

Deconstructing Yourself

Host Michael Taft speaks with clinical psychologist and life coach, Douglas Tataryn, Ph.D. about meditation and psychology. Topics include his work with meditation teachers such as Culadasa, the “wake up, clean up, grow up, and look around” model, Wilber’s integral model. See more...

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The Secret to Personal Growth | Brian Tracy

Like everything in life, personal growth is something that has to be worked for and everyone is on their own journey towards it. If you want to ensure your growth never stagnates, watch this video to learn the secret to personal growth and why it is so important for your success in life.hange

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The 21 Day Mental Diet | Brian Tracy

The best habit you can develop is to start every day in a thoughtful, productive way that sets you up for greater success in the hours ahead.

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No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline

Most people think success comes from good luck or enormous talent, but many successful people achieve their accomplishments in a simpler way: through self-discipline.

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Dark Night of the Soul