Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck with David Nichtern
Duncan Trussell joins David Nichtern for a conversation about navigating success and contentment in our spiritual and career paths.
More and more people are waking up spiritually. And for many of them, the question becomes: Now what?
Fr. William Meninger guides the reader through two basic works of inner development, The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the Soul, by St. John of the Cross (1542–1591). He unfolds for modern readers the essence of these classical texts, section by section. St.
This article is the transcript of a lecture delivered Dr. Assagioli at the Third Summer Session of the International Centre of Spiritual Research at Ascona, Switzerland, in August 1932.
We are all, every single one of us, heroes. We are all on what Joseph Campbell calls “a hero’s journey;” we are all on a mission to step into our true nature and fulfill the assignment our souls were sent to Earth to fulfill.
Mirabai Starr, who lives in the mountains of Northern New Mexico, is an author and highly sought-after speaker on the teachings of the mystics and contemplative practice.
When I first talked to Biet Simkin, I was a spiritual skeptic. By the middle of our conversation, she had me attempting to meditate by contemplating a door knob.
Author Matt Kahn’s perspective on spiritual development.
I am a trans-humanist, and look forward to the day I can live forever as disembodied mind. Is there anything wrong with this?
You are a warrior when you have the bravery to face who you are, without fear, embarassment, or denial. This warriorship is the basis of the spiritual path, says Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Through the practice of sitting meditation, the warrior discovers basic goodness.
Margot Adler has been a priestess of Wicca for 19 years, and is the author of Drawing Down the Moon. She lectures and gives workshops on the Craft and women’s spirituality throughout the country. In her “parallel” life, she is a correspondent for National Public Radio.