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Ep. 18 – Shamanic Wisdom with Alberto Villoldo, PhD

Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck with David Nichtern

The shamans path is being of service. This discussion is with Alberto Villoldo, PhD.

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Confessing Jesus' Name Means Confessing Revolutionary Love

I must confess that I am an African-American woman, a Christian woman, a woman who believes there is more than one path to God.

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Outfront: Lesbian Rabbi Fights Intolerance with Love

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum is spreading light this Hanukkah, not with a menorah, but with love.

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Loaves and Fishes: The Inspiring Story of the Catholic Worker Movement

Dorothy Day’s Loaves and Fishes tells the story of the movement that she cofounded in 1933, the Catholic Worker.

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Meet the Preacher Behind Moral Mondays

The Reverend William Barber is charting a new path for protesting Republican overreach in the South—and maybe beyond.

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‘There Is Not Some Separation Between Jesus and Justice.’ How Rev. William J. Barber II Uses His Faith to Fight for the Poor

Barber’s newsmaking actions were founded on the idea that being a person of faith means fighting for justice.

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Rev. angel Kyodo williams on Why She’s Hopeful About This Moment in US Politics

Rev. angel Kyodo williams shares why the incoming US administration provides a great opportunity for activists to come together, take action, and create a new vision for a more inclusive country.

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Love Everyone: A Guide for Spiritual Activists

Real political change must be spiritual. Real spiritual practice has to be political. Buddhist teachers Sharon Salzberg and Rev. angel Kyodo williams on how we can bring the two worlds together to build a more just and compassionate society.

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Should Christians Do Yoga?

A few weeks ago, a Baptist minister in Texas started a rumble, or at least a small brouhaha, when he declared that yoga is not suitable for Christians. His point was that using the body for spiritual practice contradicts basic Christian principles.

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Spirituality in Jewish Social Justice Activism: R' Shmuly Yanklowitz Interviews R' Danya Ruttenberg

Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, President & Dean of Valley Beit Midrash interviews Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg on the topic of "Spirituality in Jewish Social Justice Activism."

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Writing the Book of Shamanism: Eliade, Traditionalism, and Quest for Archaic

Andrei Znamenski seminar talk at L'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, June 8, 2016. He discusses traditionalism as a philosophy that inspired Mircea Eliade to write his book on Shamanism.

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