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Ep. 18 – Shamanic Wisdom with Alberto Villoldo, PhD

Creativity, Spirituality & Making a Buck with David Nichtern

The shamans path is being of service. This discussion is with Alberto Villoldo, PhD.

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This Is What Activism Does To Your Body

“Even with these health consequences, we can see the benefits of taking a stand because people are fighting for what they believe in and protecting people’s lives,” Sumner said. “I don’t think the answer is to stop altogether. It speaks to how critical it is to engage in self-care.

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For Protesters, Trauma Lingers Long After the Marching Ends

Instead of relying on systems that have consistently failed the most vulnerable in the protest community, Mullan encourages a shift toward community-based care.

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Arundhati Roy “The Pandemic Is a Portal”

Arundhati Roy reads from her new essay “The Pandemic is a Portal,” from her forthcoming book Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction. releasing in September from Haymarket Books.

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Joanna Macy & Jonathan Gustin - Pandemic as Practice

Recorded April 24th, 2020 1000 people gathered on Zoom to hold a "Anxiety-to-Empowerment" Council Discover the place where " your deepest gladness and the world's deep hunger meets." - Frederick Buechner Discovery your soul-level purpose with a soul-infused community at Purpose Guides Institute.

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Thomas Hübl: Mystical Principles of Healing

Integrating the Past - Presenting the Future: Thomas talks about the nature of healing as a process of personal and collective transformation.

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Michelle Obama’s 2020 Commencement Address | Dear Class of 2020

With commencements and graduations across the country cancelled, Former First Lady Michelle Obama and her Reach Higher initiative teamed up with YouTube to celebrate students reaching this major milestone.

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