Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
135 min
Culture shock is deeply personal; its effects on body and mind vary. Some might feel lonely and homesick, while others feel frustration over how things work in the new place.
Like legions of Black women before them, these four young activists are building a better tomorrow.
Spoken word meet social critique in this power piece exploring the cyclical nature of mental health challenges within the black community.
The Black community is more inclined to say that mental illness is associated with shame and embarrassment. Individuals and families in the Black community are also more likely to hide the illness.
Minding the Muse is a practical handbook for the artist or writer—highly experienced, aspiring, or somewhere in between.
You have what it takes to make art, if you make the choice to take what it takes. None of us knows whether our work will end up being great or not great, remembered or forgotten.
Alok Vaid-Menon discusses the relationship between success and the status quo in this TEDxMiddlebury talk. They draw upon experiences at Stanford and beyond and perform spoken word poetry.
Felicia "The FeeNom" Spencer is a math teacher turned UFC fighter. Felicia offers some great tips that can apply to anyone who wants to face challenges, test their limits, and step outside their comfort zones.
Jamie Kern Lima is proof that you can conquer self-doubt. Her belief that she could succeed helped her develop a billion-dollar cosmetic company. But she got rejected and turned down many times along the way.
Just like with financial diversification, you should also invest in several different areas of your identity.