Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
135 min
Don Malarkey grew up scrappy and happy in Astoria, Oregon—jumping off roofs, playing pranks, a free-range American. Fritz Engelbert’s German boyhood couldn’t have been more different. Regimented and indoctrinated by the Hitler Youth, he was introspective and a loner.
You can achieve harmony, forgiveness, and well-being, overcome any obstacle, build constructive relationships, heal illness, assuage the deepest grief. If you can recover the capacity to love, you can do anything.
Shame is a painful feeling we all experience at one time or another. In this episode, I share the most helpful thing you can do to start addressing your shame.
If your holiday traditions include a guilt trip from your family— you need to watch this. Guilt only works if you allow it to affect you. So the next time your parents are trying to guilt trip you— don’t buy a ticket. Reframe the conversation by calling them out.
People in your life can make you feel bad or wrong by saying one thing to you and meaning something else. You can avoid falling into their traps.
The desire to love and be loved and feel valued is universal. Seems easy enough, but for most people it is a constant, and often silent, struggle. Toxic emotions such as fear, resentment, guilt, and shame drain your energy, deflate the spirit, and make you feel stuck.
Based on a hugely successful US model, the Seven Core Issues in Adoption is the first conceptual framework of its kind to offer a unifying lens that was inclusive of all individuals touched by the adoption experience.
If you suffer from anxiety or depression, chances are you also experience unwanted, distressing, and repetitive thoughts. These negative thoughts are often grounded in anger, guilt, shame, worry, humiliation, resentment, or regret.
Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection.