Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his widowed mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his unhappily married brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife.
83 min
From the See Jane Do Passion into Action Conference, Best-selling author and life coach Martha Beck shares with Elisa Parker how you can connect with your purpose and dreams and how you can get the things you thought you’d never have.
Do you have a deep knowing that you are meant for something bigger in this world—a sense of a bigger purpose—but feel held back by the fear that you may be a fraud? Find out how Martha helps Becquel “soften” her critical voices long enough so she can start to receive love and move forward on her...
Author Steven Pressfield says everyone has a calling-even if they're not exactly sure what it is. Oprah says our real job in life is to identify that calling.
Are you waiting for your calling to find you? Seth Godin shows us why this search for your “passion” is nonsense, plus how to handle failure, overcome writer’s block - hint, that also doesn’t exist - and start something that matters.
"What a burden to have a 'purpose'." "The mind can only speak and bring a doubt when there is a possibility of doubt." "There is no cloud inside a cloud, there is no tree inside a tree, there is no man inside a man. There is only consciousness and the life force expressing."
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In this video we will be talking about 10 important insights for finding your life purpose from the writings of Marcus Aurelius. He was also a devout student of the philosophy of Stoicism.
In this TV interview from 1972, Viennese psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, author of “Man’s Search for Meaning,” explains the question of meaning and the central role it plays in his Logo therapy.
Viktor Frankl’s theory and therapy grew out of his experiences in Nazi death camps. He saw that people who had hopes of being reunited with loved ones or who had projects they felt a need to complete or who had great faith, tended to have better chances than those who had lost all hope.
Rarely seen footage of Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking to students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967, where he delivered his speech “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?”
Gary Zukav, came to 'The Oprah Show' to discuss letting go of your past in order to move forward. He stayed afterward to take questions from the audience. Watch as Gary shares the secret to being in control of your destiny.