Dispatched from his basement room on an errand for his widowed mother, slacker Jeff might discover his destiny (finally) when he spends the day with his unhappily married brother as he tracks his possibly adulterous wife.
83 min
Love is what we long to receive and to give, yet our intimate relationships are conflicted and often painful. The late psychologist John Welwood looks at the difference between absolute and relative love, and the wound within each of us that no other can heal.
How do we love God with our whole heart and soul and mind and also love our neighbor as ourselves? And how are we doing at it? Love of God is about loving life in all its expressions and occasions, and love of self is essential for love of others.
As much as we might like to, we can't force love to happen. But we can understand its many levels and connect more easily to its source.
By paying attention, we let ourselves be touched by life, and our hearts naturally become more open and engaged.
Johns Hopkins Researcher Mary Cosimano shares promising results from clinical trials of guided psilocybin sessions being utilized in the treatment of addiction, depression, and cancer/end-of-life. The impressive results offer much hope for an effective treatment to heal “hearts and minds.
You were born to experience intimacy, and you can create it with love.
Joan Borysenko talking about a mystical experience of forgiveness at the death of her mother.
An evening with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle - these two teachers engage in an open conversation about spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness, October 28, 2011 in Maui, HI.
Tenzin Palmo Jetsunma interviewed about romanticism that makes us confuse genuine love with attachment - and how it causes suffering in relationships.
World-renowned relationship expert John Gottman set forth to understand why relationships don’t work, but for that he needed to first understand relationships scientifically. Gottman then measured the behavior, perception and physiology of couples over time to understand how love works.