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Kingdom of Us


A father’s suicide sends a family of eight on a journey through childhood memories and treacherous emotional waters in this poignant documentary.

109 min

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Are Americans Obsessed with Race and Gender? | Middle Ground

A group of young Americans from various racial and gender backgrounds discuss some of the most controversial topics regarding racial and gender identity and discrimination.

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How to Resolve Racially Stressful Situations—Howard C. Stevenson

If we hope to heal the racial tensions that threaten to tear the fabric of society apart, we’re going to need the skills to openly express ourselves in racially stressful situations. Through racial literacy—the ability to read, recast and resolve these situations—psychologist Howard C.

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How Latin America’s Obsession With Whiteness Is Hurting Us

Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.

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Black Skin, White Masks

Few modern voices have had as profound an impact on the black identity and critical race theory as Frantz Fanon, and Black Skin, White Masks represents some of his most important work.

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Obama’s People and the African Americans: The Language of Othering

To the list of identities Black people in America have assumed or been asked to, we can now add, thanks to this presidential election season, “Obama’s people” and “the African Americans.”

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The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela

Organized chronologically and divided by the four venues in which he was held as a sentenced prisoner, The Prison Letters of Nelson Mandela begins in Pretoria Local Prison, where Mandela was held following his 1962 trial.

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Death or Loss of a Parent