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Kingdom of Us


A father’s suicide sends a family of eight on a journey through childhood memories and treacherous emotional waters in this poignant documentary.

109 min

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Autism, Girls, and Friendship | My Personal Experience

Today I share with you my personal experience as an autistic adult who was once an undiagnosed autistic girl, with friendship, and the challenges of friendship in a world designed for neurotypical people.

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Friends When You're Autistic (A Chat With My Neurodivergent Friends)

I got together with my good friends who are also neurodiverse to talk about the challenges we have experienced with friendship, and what it's like to have friends who also have autism, ADHD, dyspraxia, dyslexia.

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The Challenge of Forming Female Friendships When You’re Autistic

Painful memories of childhood along with gendered social norms can make adult friendships more complicated for neurodiverse women.

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Death or Loss of a Parent