A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he’s poised to begin a life-changing professional career.
117 min
Taking care of a chronically ill child is one of the most draining and difficult tasks a parent can face. Beyond handling physical challenges and medical needs, you’ll have to deal with your child’s emotional needs and the impact that a prolonged illness can have on the entire family.
Child life specialists help families cope in a healthcare environment, and parents can look to them to learn how to help sick kids.
Our child has a chronic illness or disability. How can we help him learn to live as best as he can with his condition?
Learn how to cope, manage your emotions and keep stress in check when a child is diagnosed with chronic illness.
As a psychologist and counselor specializing in the care of children with cancer, Joanna Breyer has advice for families facing stress for which they never prepared. Author of “When Your Child Is Sick,” Breyer joins Judy Woodruff for a conversation.
Parents who have “been there, done that” share lessons they’ve learned on parenting a child with an illness or chronic medical condition.
Episode #19 ~ “Illness and Coping” in our video Chai’n’Chat series. Krishna Das sat down with some of our satsang over a cup of chai to answer a question of their choice. Thank you to all who asked their question.
There are many reasons a child doesn't respond to typical parenting techniques. Whatever the root cause of the intensity, parent coach and trainer Tina Feigal's revised edition of her book (formerly titled The Pocket Coach for Parents) will give you the tools you need to create a peaceful life.
Healing Self-Injury provides desperately-needed guidance to parents and others who love a young person struggling with self-injury.
Joan Halifax has enriched thousands of lives around the world through her work as a humanitarian, a social activist, an anthropologist, and a Buddhist teacher.