Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.
105 min
In this video I’m out lining Asperger’s dating tips and Asperger’s dating problems to help you with your dating needs. Having Asperger’s syndrome myself I have been through all of these issues that would probably occur from a long-term relationship with somebody with autism.
Being in a neurodiverse relationship can be extra challenging! In this video, Tay (neurodiverse) and her husband Scott (neurotypical) share 10 Tips for Neurotypical Partners in Neurodiverse Relationships.
We all have needs. We all need our relationships to help meet those needs. So...what if it can't? This is where relationship accommodations come in.
Autism in Company - social strategies. How do you manage different hats/roles in different situations? How to adapt your social style based on level of relationship and situation.
Marianne Eloise knows what it is to be neurodiverse. Here, she unpacks the misconceptions that can make dating – and relationships – harder for autistic people
Not surprisingly, the romantic lives of autistic adults are just like those of neurotypical adults: never easy.
If you’re in a relationship with someone who has Asperger’s syndrome, it’s likely that your partner sometimes seems cold and insensitive. Other times, he or she may have emotional outbursts for no apparent reason.
As they reach adulthood, the overarching quest of many in this first generation to be identified with Asperger syndrome is the same as many of their nonautistic peers: to find someone to love who will love them back.
Romantic relationships are hard enough, but what if your partner is autistic?
Aspie shutdown and withdrawal is a big part of how autism affects relationships.