After a casual encounter, a brokenhearted woman decides to confront her life and the most important events about her stranded daughter.
99 min
Sherry Gaba, LCSW and Editor of Recovery Today Magazine had the opportunity to interview Dr. Joanne Cacciatore who is a research professor at Arizona State University with nearly 70 published studies and directs the graduate Certificate in Trauma and Bereavement.
The death of a beloved is an amputation.
This book is comprised of quotations from Bearing the Unbearable, and other sources as well, plus an enormous amount of new material from Dr. Jo.
When people are pushed into advocacy or social work as a result of a traumatic loss, part of the benefit for those affected is in keeping busy, but it’s also a way to memorialize their loved ones, explained Joanne Cacciatore, an associate research professor at Arizona State University who studies...
A new study explores the importance of care farming, using therapeutic spaces to treat individuals impacted by traumatic grief.
Joanne Cacciatore of Sedona started the nonprofit MISS Foundation in 1996 to provide counseling, advocacy, research and education services to families who have endured the death of a child.
Part of being human means that we do experience the natural ebb and flow of life. This brings sadness and joy, despair and happiness, pain and beauty, loss and love. These aspects of the human experience are normal.
Most of you know her as Dr. Joanne Cacciatore, founder of the MISS Foundation and professor and researcher at Arizona State University. Her expertise is helping those affected by traumatic death.
Join Dr Jo Cacciatore, sharing her reflections on love, loss and the heart-breaking path of grief for a child. Hosted by The Compassionate Friends, UK on 4 May 2021.
Amazing interview and produced video by Joe Polish Founder of @geniuswork