A documentary exploring plant medicines and psychedelics, with an attempt to show a different perspective than the current mainstream narrative. Some of them used for thousands of years as ...
84 min
In an appropriate context, ayahuasca can be a valuable therapeutic tool and can act as a catalyst that can render psychotherapeutic processes more effective in less time, and sometimes allow for critical interventions when several other therapeutic strategies have been unsuccessful.
Amazonian healing traditions collide with Western medical sensibilities.
Internationally respected Peruvian Shaman Don José Campos illuminates the practices and benefits of Ayahuasca with grace and gentleness and much respect and gratitude for the gifts Ayahuasca has bestowed on him throughout the 25 years he has been a practicing shaman.
I drank ayahuasca in 1999, in a ceremony led by two scholars with expertise in ayahuasca. What follows is an edited version of what I wrote about the experience in my 2003 book Rational Mysticism.
Through this treatment plan, the patient was able to “reconceptualize her trauma” and “was able to move through difficult memories and emotions rather than letting them consume her,” explained U of O associate professor, Monnica Williams.
A presentation and discussion on the continuities and discontinuities between the world of sacred plants and that of psychedelic science.
A collaboration between MAPS and the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London, Antwan Saca, Leor Roseman, Ph.D., and Natalie Ginsberg, M.S.W.
Changing Our Minds is an experiential tour through a social, spiritual and scientific revolution that is redefining our culture’s often-confusing relationship with psychoactive substances.
The powerful hallucinogenic brew provokes long-lasting changes in two important brain networks.
Science is finally catching up with the potential powers of this psychedelic drink.