A wayward daughter invites her dying mother and the rest of her estranged family to her apartment for Thanksgiving dinner.
80 min
Toxic in-laws are in-laws who create genuine chaos through various assaults—aggressive or subtle—on you and your marriage.
Conscious parenting turns our parenting paradigm right-side up.
It might be the first time you've seen your sister since that argument last summer. You might get together once a year with your frosty in-laws. One acquaintance calls the Christmas Eve dinner "the fight before Christmas."
In his first major work since The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey presents a practical and philosophical guide to solving the problems--large and small, mundane and extraordinary―that confront all families and strong communities.
“What had happened to my beautiful boy? To our family? What did I do wrong?” Those are the wrenching questions that haunted every moment of David Sheff’s journey through his son Nic’s addiction to drugs and tentative steps toward recovery.
For more than half a century, Alejandro Jodorowsky has been revered as a master of the surreal—a puppeteer of grotesque fantasy and psychedelic excess.
When my mom developed dementia, my dad tried to deny it and I tried to fix it. We both failed.
When you think of your mother, does your heart open with compassion or tighten with resentment? Do you allow yourself to feel her tenderness and care? The way we receive our mother’s love can be similar to how we experience love from a partner.
If something’s important enough to one or both of you enough to get heated about it, it’s probably important enough to get to the bottom of it together.