A wayward daughter invites her dying mother and the rest of her estranged family to her apartment for Thanksgiving dinner.
80 min
World-renowned relationship expert John Gottman set forth to understand why relationships don’t work, but for that he needed to first understand relationships scientifically. Gottman then measured the behavior, perception and physiology of couples over time to understand how love works.
The easiest way to improve your relationship is to pay attention to your partner during life’s small, everyday moments. This video shows you how.
True love is something that helps you and the other person to suffer less. It is something that makes you and the other person happy. True love is something that brings you freedom. It has the power to bring you and the other person happiness.
Lost at work? In this talk, Esther Perel dives into how relational intelligence can guide us toward well-being and success.
This episode is a joyous celebration of all the relationships in our lives. It’s challenging, poignant but ultimately hugely practical.
Googler Logan Ury talks to author and sex advice columnist Dan Savage, as well as "Mating In Captivity" author Esther Perel, in the fifth of our Modern Romance talks. They discuss infidelity, new models for marriage, abstinence-only sex education, and monogamy.
Pema Chödrön reveals her journey towards becoming a Buddhist nun and discusses the time-tested antidote to suffering.
Daniel Amen wants to see the end of mental illness, and he may very well achieve his goal.