A look at tightrope walker Philippe Petit's daring, but illegal, high-wire routine performed between New York City's World Trade Center's twin towers in 1974, what some consider, "the artistic crime of the century".
94 min
"Dr. Jha brilliantly blends cutting-edge science, compelling stories, and strong practical instructions--the perfect antidote for our distracted over-busy times." -- Jack Kornfield, bestselling author of The Wise Heart Research shows we are missing 50% of our lives.
Shaikh Kabir Helminski is a Sufi master of the 700 year old Mevlevi order, the lineage of Jalaluddin Rumi. Sufism (tasawwuf) is the inner, spiritual, mystical dimension of Islam. Its aim is the development of Presence and Love.
In The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford delivers her most practical and prescriptive book yet —a 21–day, life-changing program for spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with the soul’s deepest purpose.
Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing.
Wherever attention goes the rest of the brain follows—in some sense, attention is your brain’s boss. But is it a good boss and can we train it?
SARK’s whimsical, hand-printed, hand-painted books . . . are guides for adults (kids, too) who long to play and be creative, but have forgotten how.
SARK invites the journal writer to compose his/her own creative companion through gentle instructions and playful directions toward artistic freedom. Your “inside child” will peek out to want, wish, find pleasure, and amaze you.
We all need reminders that it’s little things that make us feel really alive—those small actions and subtle gestures that can potentially lead to great moments of magic and joy.
Sark’s first book, A CREATIVE COMPANION, has charmed all who come across it, so we were delighted when she came back to us with this collection of 43 ways to awaken your creative self—including “invite someone dangerous to tea,” “take lots of naps,” and “make friends with freedom and...
In this video I share with you the secret to self-development and changing your life. Self-development is the only path to accelerating your growth and actualizing your potential as a human being.