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Spiritual Wisdom of the Body

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Many of us have limitations to entering into our bodies. We may have experienced trauma that made our bodies feel like unsafe places to be. Or we may have grown up in cultures or spiritual traditions that teach that the body is separate from spirituality, something we must transcend, or a source of impulses we must deny. But the Diamond Approach path offers humanity another possibility, one of a fully embodied spirituality. In Spiritual Wisdom of the Body, we will explore this perspective in-depth through a series of five teachings that will help us know for ourselves, the radical unseparateness of body and being.

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88 - Friday Fix: How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself

In this episode, I explain the psychology behind self-sabotage including the seven major reasons why we do it. Becoming more aware of those reasons can help you recognize self-sabotage when it’s happening.

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The Superhuman World of Wim Hof: The Iceman

Wim Hof first caught the attention of scientists when he proved he was able to use meditation to stay submerged in ice for 1 hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature changing.

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Becoming Superhuman with Ice Man—Wim Hof

We've admired the pioneering work of Wim Hof for years now from afar. This January however we got an opportunity to spend four days with him in the mountains of Poland. We didn't know what to expect.

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