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Spiritual Wisdom of the Body

On Demand

Many of us have limitations to entering into our bodies. We may have experienced trauma that made our bodies feel like unsafe places to be. Or we may have grown up in cultures or spiritual traditions that teach that the body is separate from spirituality, something we must transcend, or a source of impulses we must deny. But the Diamond Approach path offers humanity another possibility, one of a fully embodied spirituality. In Spiritual Wisdom of the Body, we will explore this perspective in-depth through a series of five teachings that will help us know for ourselves, the radical unseparateness of body and being.

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Mental Health Is Declining and Black Women Are Hit the Hardest | Keita Joy | TEDxBeaconStreet

Did you know that in the United States, over 10.3 million adults have serious thoughts of suicide and/or battle with mental health struggles privately while continuing to produce and perform publicly? Imagine living with a constant, lingering private struggle, while performing in front of the world.

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Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fearz

Thousands of Black women suffer from anxiety. What’s worse is that many of us have been raised to believe we are Strong Black Women and that seeking help shows weakness.

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