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Spiritual Wisdom of the Body

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Many of us have limitations to entering into our bodies. We may have experienced trauma that made our bodies feel like unsafe places to be. Or we may have grown up in cultures or spiritual traditions that teach that the body is separate from spirituality, something we must transcend, or a source of impulses we must deny. But the Diamond Approach path offers humanity another possibility, one of a fully embodied spirituality. In Spiritual Wisdom of the Body, we will explore this perspective in-depth through a series of five teachings that will help us know for ourselves, the radical unseparateness of body and being.

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Forget About Your Genes, You Can Be the Author, Not the Victim, of Your Health

Science proves how important your thoughts and beliefs are when it comes to your physical health.

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37 — Friday Fix: How to Trick Your Brain into Giving Your Best Performance

Today I'm sharing how to have a conversation with yourself that will help you succeed. No matter what you’re doing, this little exercise will help you perform at your peak.

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75 - Friday Fix: Why You Should Talk to Yourself in Third Person

In today’s Friday Fix, I share why you might want to start talking to yourself in the third person and how it can help you make better decisions in your life. It’s something that NBA all-star Lebron James has demonstrated.

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119 - Friday Fix: Why You Should Create Your Personal Mantra

A simple mantra could help you stay on track with your goals, drown out negative thoughts, help you resist temptations, or even help you perform better.

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Positive Self-Talk

What is positive self-talk? Our internal dialogues, or “self-talk,” can shape our beliefs and influence our emotions and behavior, and provides assurance and motivation. Positive self-talk is a healthy way to cope with anxiety.

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