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Spiritual Wisdom of the Body

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Many of us have limitations to entering into our bodies. We may have experienced trauma that made our bodies feel like unsafe places to be. Or we may have grown up in cultures or spiritual traditions that teach that the body is separate from spirituality, something we must transcend, or a source of impulses we must deny. But the Diamond Approach path offers humanity another possibility, one of a fully embodied spirituality. In Spiritual Wisdom of the Body, we will explore this perspective in-depth through a series of five teachings that will help us know for ourselves, the radical unseparateness of body and being.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAlthough humans rarely die from trauma, if we do not resolve it, our lives can be severely diminished by its effects. Some people have even described this situation as a ‘living death.’

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FindCenter Quotes ImageIn moving through apprehensive chills to mounting excitement and waves of moist tingling warmth, the body, with its innate capacity to heal, melts the iceberg created by deeply frozen trauma.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTrauma has become so commonplace that most people don’t even recognize its presence. It affects everyone. Each of us has had a traumatic experience at some point in our lives, regardless of whether it left us with an obvious case of post-traumatic stress.

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How Trauma Gets Stuck in the Body (and How to Work with It), with Peter Levine

In this video, Peter Levine will share how he helped uncover an incomplete traumatic response that was stuck in the body.

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What About the Tiger?

Watch Dr. Levine talking about his breakthrough session with "Nancy." In this session he first saw the image of a tiger, which later inspired his bestselling book, "Waking the Tiger."

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When a Client Is Stuck in the Freeze Response with Peter Levine, PhD

What triggers the freeze response? We tend to think of traumatic events, but according to Peter Levine, PhD, that’s not always the case. Even a perceived threat can be enough for a client to get stuck in a frozen state.

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Trauma and Somatic Experiencing

Peter uses his famous "Slinky" presentation to demonstrate the effects of trauma on the nervous system, and his philosophy of treating trauma; which involves slowly releasing (or titrating) this compressed fight-or-flight energy a bit at time to give the individual the ability to reintegrate it...

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