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Passion and the Path

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Desire and passion often get a bad rap in spiritual circles, and many of us have our own judgments based on the messages we’ve received around what’s okay to want and what’s not. But ultimately, desire isn’t what we think it is. Enjoy this special mini-teaching from Diamond Approach teacher, Tejo Jourdan, as he invites us to explore the truth of our desires and see how they can be a powerful doorway to realizing everything we want is already inside us.

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How to Prioritize Your Mental Health as an Entrepreneur | Forbes

What is the healthy balance between growing your brand and taking care of your mental health as an entrepreneur? Here are five ways entrepreneurs can have better mental health.

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Burnout Is a Serious Problem—How One Start-up Founder Beat It to Have a ‘Healthier, Balanced Life’

Research shows that entrepreneurs are more likely than most to suffer from mental health conditions—a factor of their high-stress jobs and the psychological traits that steer people toward starting a business in the first place.

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Adam Grant: How to Stop Languishing and Start Finding Flow | TED

Have you found yourself staying up late, joylessly bingeing TV shows and doomscrolling through the news, or simply navigating your day uninspired and aimless? Chances are you’re languishing, says organizational psychologist Adam Grant—a psychic malaise that has become all too common after many...

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Naomi Osaka Shouldn’t Feel Pressured to Rush Return to Tennis

Osaka’s mental health challenges are nothing new in her isolating sport. What is new is the acceptance she’ll face—and the paths back—if she takes a prolonged break.

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3 Ways Leaders Can Prevent Emotional Drain

When it comes to supporting employees to thrive despite the emotional fallout of the pandemic, leaders (and mindfulness) have a critical role to play.

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How to Find Your Passion for a More Fulfilling Career

One common piece of advice you might hear when looking for jobs is to “follow your passion.” Following the work, ideas and projects that make you feel fulfilled and motivated can help lead you to jobs you will enjoy and succeed in.

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Diamond Approach