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Liberation & Radical Acceptance

On Demand

We often think of acceptance as agreeing with what’s happening or simply going along with something. We may associate acceptance with a sense of resignation or “accepting our fate.” But true acceptance is actually a spiritual quality that allows us to be exactly where we are; we can face whatever arises without either grasping or rejecting, allowing us to be truly free.

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The Character Edge: Leading and Winning with Integrity

Character―the moral values and habits of an individual―is in the spotlight now more than perhaps at any other point in modern history. Politicians distort facts. Corporations cheat customers and investors. Athletes are caught using illegal supplements.

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The Power of Character Strengths: Appreciate and Ignite Your Positive Personality

Carry this book in your back pocket. Let it become your faithful friend that nudges you, at every point in your journey, to unlock your potential.

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