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Liberation & Radical Acceptance

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We often think of acceptance as agreeing with what’s happening or simply going along with something. We may associate acceptance with a sense of resignation or “accepting our fate.” But true acceptance is actually a spiritual quality that allows us to be exactly where we are; we can face whatever arises without either grasping or rejecting, allowing us to be truly free.

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Which of the Ultimates Is Ultimate, Part 2

There is no end to realization, kinds and types of awakening, or enlightenment and completeness.

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Spiritual Work and Psychotherapy

A view for appreciating the similarities and uniqueness of both spiritual work and psychotherapy, but mostly as relevant to the Diamond Approach. This paper is written for the benefit of teachers and students of the Diamond Approach.

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Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind

Based on over twenty years of research and spiritual practice, this is a groundbreaking and life-changing book. In his decades of study, Dr.

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The Meaning of Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East

Deep down, most people think that happiness comes from having or doing something.

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