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When you need time off for cancer treatment, first get the facts. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 may be an option when you need to take a medical leave.
Returning to work during cancer treatment is different for everyone. Your attitude toward working, your health, and your work environment all factor in. Many aspects, including the reaction of your co-workers, will be out of your control.
Whether you’re looking for a new job or considering a new career direction, this month’s article has plenty of practical advice to help you.
It may be difficult to talk about your diagnosis and expectations with your boss. However, it is almost always the right thing to do to protect yourself. Armed with an understanding of your potential needs and rights, you are in a better position to take control of your cancer and your career.
Cancer and treatment can make it difficult to work. Prepare early for not working for a period of time. Or, there may be ways to change your job duties so you can keep working. Also, consider future possibilities for work—with the same employer or with a new employer.
Lodro Rinzler, Buddhist author and meditation teacher, stops by Google NYC to talk about his latest book, "The Buddha Walks into the Office: A Guide to Livelihood for a New Generation"
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Washington State’s Failure to Mandate Paid Parental Leave Hurts Gender Equity, Parents, and Kids.
A career time out to stay home with your kids might be tempting, but there’s a lot to consider before you give notice.
Yvonne Sawbridge says that caring professionals offer hard, emotional work. In the same way in which physical labour is recognised and accounted for in management practice, emotional labour needs to be recognised as a role requirement for nurses and other caring professions.
If you’ve decided to make the transition from full-time mom to 9-to-5, here’s a guide to help get you going.