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’s time to realize your full potential! In The Resilience Workbook for Teens, you’ll learn to bounce back from setbacks, develop grit and a growth mindset, and overcome any obstacle that comes your way.
What is stress like for college students?
Young climate activist Jamie Margolin describes how coming of age in a climate catastrophe marked her so profoundly that she became solely defined by her climate justice work. Yet ultimately she succumbed to overwhelm and exhaustion—burnout.
The pandemic was rough for Black and Latina families, but many women in these communities met the challenges head on.
Discover the transformative power of leisure to recapture your calm and creativity. We live in a time where busyness is often seen as a badge of honor.
Dr. Bernie Siegel has spent 40 years devoted to cancer patients and their families. His alternative medicine practices have worked and statistics and studies prove it. This 2 hour program has helped tens of thousands to Fight For Their Lives -- and to win that fight.
Working mothers constantly battle the pull to do all the things well. From managing work and home responsibilities to being impacted by a lack of self-care and time for deep friendships, the struggle is real. At the end of each day, many working moms are exhausted and stretched too thin.
Every woman has had this experience: you get to the end of the day and realize you did nothing for you. And if you go days, weeks, or even months in this cycle, you begin to feel like you have lost a bit of yourself.
In today’s fast-paced work environments achieving work-life balance can seem impossible. Technology makes most of us accessible 24 hours a day. The stress of never taking time off can hurt your health, your relationships with loved ones and friends, and your overall happiness.
We need to start trusting people to set their own boundaries when it comes to work and personal life. The two shouldn’t be in opposition, but rather work in tandem FOR the individual, not against.