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Are you driven to distraction at work? Best-selling author Edward M. Hallowell, MD, the world’s leading expert on ADD and ADHD, has set his sights on a new goal: helping people feel more in control and productive at work.
Many of us have thought of or dreamed about leaving that job to pursue our dreams, maybe start a business, or pursue our passion. While there are practical issues to consider, we also need to overcome the inertia that comes with the fear we experience when taking a major new direction in our lives.
Sadness is a central part of our lives, yet it’s typically ignored at work, hurting employees and managers alike.
The essential guide to standing up for your values at work. Protect your integrity by committing to The Conscience Code. A fast-track colleague is elbowing their way up the corporate ladder in your organization by faking sales reports. Your entrepreneur boss asks you to lie to would-be investors.
When disability isn’t disclosed, we create an invisible layer of additional work for the individual which will affect their productivity.
Individuals with disabilities frequently encounter workplace discrimination, bias, exclusion, and career plateaus—meaning their employers lose out on enormous innovation and talent potential.
New research has found nine meaningful reasons that prevent people with disabilities from seeking work.
In a work world dominated by automation, digitalization, and increasing incivility, the need for one group of workers, those whom I call “sensitive strivers,” has never been greater.
WELCOME TO ASPERGERS FROM THE INSIDE!! My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. Yes, I know, I don’t look autistic. That’s exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn’t show you, you would never know.
Businesses that find out more about about the characteristics of those on the autistic spectrum can optimise their strengths and help them to contribute hugely to the output of their teams.