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Master Gu, Taoist Wellness Master from the Wudang Mountains, teaches Taoist meditation
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Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience.
A senior Buddhist teacher offers fundamental body-based meditation practices that prove enlightenment is as close to you as your own body.
An introduction to Tibetan Buddhist meditation by Lama Losang / Dr. David Bole.
A beginner's guide to quieting the mind in a time of stress. Includes three guided meditations by popular mindfulness teachers to try now.
The bestselling author of Work as a Spiritual Practice presents a user’s life guide to aging well and making every year fulfilling and transformative. Everything changes.
Try this short meditation when you need a reminder that you are, and have, enough.
The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society.
Consider doing something nice for your poor, flustered brain. Don't know how to meditate? Neither did we! So we asked Andy Puddicombe, the cofounder of Headspace and the voice on its app, to write this basic script. Have a friend read it to you slowly, setting a timer for 10 minutes.
Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come quickly.
Sarah Blondin created this beautiful meditation specifically for SHE RECOVERS and shared it with us to kick off our day on Saturday (September 15th, 2018). A beautiful, powerful heart opener.