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Wisdom of the Mystic

By Sadhguru

On Demand

The mind can be a misery-manufacturing machine — or you can take charge of it so it produces connection, peace, and love. It’s time to set yourself free from repeating patterns of fear and insecurity. Wisdom of the Mystic with Sadhguru is a 10-day course offering in-depth sessions that address life’s most common questions in the pursuit of happiness. Through inner management of your thoughts and emotions, you will learn how to live joyfully, no matter the circumstances.

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How to Prioritize Your Mental Health as an Entrepreneur | Forbes

What is the healthy balance between growing your brand and taking care of your mental health as an entrepreneur? Here are five ways entrepreneurs can have better mental health.

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Burnout Is a Serious Problem—How One Start-up Founder Beat It to Have a ‘Healthier, Balanced Life’

Research shows that entrepreneurs are more likely than most to suffer from mental health conditions—a factor of their high-stress jobs and the psychological traits that steer people toward starting a business in the first place.

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The Buddha Walks into the Office: A Guide to Livelihood for a New Generation

Does it ever seem that a lot of the people you work with are, well, jerks? This book is about how not to let work turn you into one of them.

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Naomi Osaka Shouldn’t Feel Pressured to Rush Return to Tennis

Osaka’s mental health challenges are nothing new in her isolating sport. What is new is the acceptance she’ll face—and the paths back—if she takes a prolonged break.

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3 Ways Leaders Can Prevent Emotional Drain

When it comes to supporting employees to thrive despite the emotional fallout of the pandemic, leaders (and mindfulness) have a critical role to play.

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Breath Taking: 60 Breathing Techniques to Enhance Your Health and Joy of Living

Roche answers questions and debunks meditation myths, and gives three easy-to-follow techniques for getting started; "The Do Nothing Technique," "Salute Each of the Senses," and "Feeling at Home Exercise.

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The Secret to Happiness at Work

What matters is not so much the “what” of a job, but more the “who” and the “why”: Job satisfaction comes from people, values, and a sense of accomplishment.

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Managing Stress: Skills for Self-Care, Personal Resiliency and Work-Life Balance in a Rapidly Changing World (Tenth Edition)

Updated to provide a modern look at the daily stressors evolving in our ever changing society, Managing Stress: Skills for Self-Care, Personal Resiliency and Work-Life Balance in a Rapidly Changing World, Tenth Edition provides a comprehensive approach to stress management, honoring the balance and...

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Master Shi Heng Yi—Hindrances to Self-Mastery | Shi Heng Yi | TEDxVitosha

Meet Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi in his serene talk about self-discovery. Learn why rainfall is an essential part of each flowering. And every small step – part of the journey to the highest peek. The hindrances along the way to self-discovery and personal growth are easy to overcome.

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The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked (21st Century Edition)

Ernie Zelinski has taught more than 150,000 people what The Joy of Not Working is about: learning to live every part of your life-work and play, employment, and retirement alike-to the fullest.

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