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Wisdom of the Mystic

By Sadhguru

On Demand

The mind can be a misery-manufacturing machine — or you can take charge of it so it produces connection, peace, and love. It’s time to set yourself free from repeating patterns of fear and insecurity. Wisdom of the Mystic with Sadhguru is a 10-day course offering in-depth sessions that address life’s most common questions in the pursuit of happiness. Through inner management of your thoughts and emotions, you will learn how to live joyfully, no matter the circumstances.

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The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, one of the world’s foremost experts on trauma, has spent over three decades working with survivors.

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Self-Care for Grief: 100 Practices for Healing During Times of Loss

When faced with loss or trauma, the grief can oftentimes feel overwhelming. It can feel difficult, if not impossible, to focus your attention elsewhere. And yet, during hard times is the perfect time to look inwards for support and practice self-care.

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Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Filled with secrets from a therapist’s toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times.

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3 Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and Become Stress Free Instantly | Swami Mukundananda

In this video Swami Mukundananda shares 3 Powerful and Practical Tips to Stop Overthinking and become Stress Free. These 3 tips are so powerful that if regularly practiced you will be able to stop overthinking and become stress free in a moment.

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Heart Wisdom

Our heart deserves better than to be loaded down with never-ending stress. A certain level of stress can be beneficial and may lead to actual problem solving. However, a lot of our stress is unnecessary and even harmful.

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The Mental Health of People with Disabilities

Adults with disabilities report experiencing frequent mental distress almost 5 times as often as adults without disabilities.

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Entrepreneurship & Mental Health: Expert Perspectives

What are the most common mental health problems that entrepreneurs suffer from — and what can startups and founders do? Mental health experts answer these crucial questions, and offer their ideas for how to prioritize mental wellness while also growing a business.

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9 Ways High-Performing Entrepreneurs Handle Stress

If your business plan doesn’t include dealing with stress, you must not realize what you’re getting yourself into.

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How to Relieve Stress with Art Therapy

There are many reasons that art is a great stress relief tool, even for those who don’t consider themselves artistically inclined.

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Managing Cancer-Related Anxiety and General Mood Changes

Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment can impact a patient's mental well-being. This video discusses anxiety and general mood as it can relate to a cancer experience.

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