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Wisdom of the Mystic

By Sadhguru

On Demand

The mind can be a misery-manufacturing machine — or you can take charge of it so it produces connection, peace, and love. It’s time to set yourself free from repeating patterns of fear and insecurity. Wisdom of the Mystic with Sadhguru is a 10-day course offering in-depth sessions that address life’s most common questions in the pursuit of happiness. Through inner management of your thoughts and emotions, you will learn how to live joyfully, no matter the circumstances.

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Experimental Treatments Changed the Course of the AIDS Epidemic; We Need the Same Approach to Mental Illness Today | Commentary

Demand from patients seeking help for their mental illnesses has led to underground use in a way that parallels black markets in the AIDS pandemic. This underground use has been most perilous for people of color, who face greater stigma and legal risks due to the War on Drugs.

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