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Creating Friendship and Deep Connections

On Demand

Creating Friendships & Deep Connections For Teens is a fascinating journey into the secrets of human relationships, and your unique connection language. With educator and curriculum designer Gahmya Drummond-Bey as your guide, you’ll explore subjects like human emotions and healthy friendships, and get all the tools and techniques you need to deeply connect with anyone - including with yourself.

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Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls (25th Anniversary Edition)

In 1994, Reviving Ophelia was published, and it shone a much-needed spotlight on the problems faced by adolescent girls. The book became iconic and helped to reframe the national conversation about what author Mary Pipher called “a girl-poisoning culture” surrounding adolescents.

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5 Ways to Promote Honesty in Teens

Teens want honesty from adults just as adults crave the truth from teens. If we both want the same thing, why is it so hard to get there?

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Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work

The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most intense relationships a woman will ever experience-it is strong and primary. This first and essential relationship has a powerful, though often subtle, effect on an adult woman's interactions with her mate, children, friends-and herself.

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Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood

In this sane, highly engaging, and informed guide for parents of daughters, Dr.

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Create a Teen Behavior Contract

We must partner with our tweens and teens to strategize how best to support them to grow. Together, we can develop a step-by-step plan that protects their safety and develops their growing sense of morality.

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An Introduction to Raising Daughters

What’s it like to raise a daughter? The answer to that question is as different as each individual child, as well as each individual parent.

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Raising Your Daughter as a Single Dad

Being a single father to a daughter can be particularly daunting, as you navigate all the social situations, complex feelings, and developmental changes your daughter experiences throughout her youth—without a firsthand understanding of some of what she's going through.

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8 Ways To Help Kids Fight Validation Addiction

As children grow and their digital imprint becomes greater, so does their need to feel validated. But it is important to encourage the value of self-worth and validating ourselves.

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How to Help Today's Perfectionist Girls Love Themselves

By linking their value to approval from others, they are searching outside of themselves in order to feel good and worthy.

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Straight Talk: Brooke Burke & Dr. Drew Weigh In On The Differences When Raising Boys & Girls

Today I introduced the first Straight Talk panel featuring women AND men. I'll open the discussion up to you at home as well. Is there a difference when raising boys and girls? This was a good discussion in studio let me know how you feel in the comments.

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Challenges with Teens