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The Power of Focused Intent - Shamanic Techniques for Manifestation

By Sandra Ingerman

On Demand

Our creative potential is far greater than we realize—we all possess the power to manifest our intentions into reality. With The Power of Focused Intent, Sandra Ingerman shares time-tested techniques and wisdom for creating far-reaching positive changes in your life, the lives of your loved ones, and in the world around you. This self-paced online course provides you with the tools and support to progressively build your skills, dissolve the barriers to manifestation, and draw upon the full support of the spirit world to change your reality.

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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

The definition of emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, differentiate, and manage our emotions and the emotions of others. The notion of emotions being important in our lives goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

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7 Practical Ways to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence measures our ability to perceive our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, and to manage them in a productive and healthy way.

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5 Skills to Help You Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a set of skills you can get better at with practice. Here are five skills you can cultivate to make you a more emotionally intelligent person.

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