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Stubborn Fat Gone Online Course — 6 Video Lessons

On Demand

Are You Feeling Stressed? Stress Equals Belly Fat. More than just poor dieting or exercise habits, the hidden component affecting our weight is stress that activates our stress hormones. It's so insidious and so prevalent in our lives that the American Psychological Association (APA) calls chronic stress "a public health crisis." This is why Think Fit is the missing key to making Jorge's plan work long-term, until it becomes a lifestyle. Increasing your serotonin levels with Think Fit helps with impulsivity, appetite, and curbs food cravings.

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One Nation Under Stress

"One Nation Under Stress" follows Sanjay Gupta as he tries to uncover the root causes of why American life expectancy is falling and is now shorter than all other major developed countries.

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Stress Is Killing Us: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Diagnoses the Cause—and Cures—in HBO Doc

Americans are dying sooner, increasingly self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, and committing suicide at alarming rates, and according to neurosurgeon and CNN’s Emmy Award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta it all traces back to constant stress. On “Salon Talks,” Dr.

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta Breaks Down the Top Causes of Stress | Sway’s Universe

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Healthy Eating