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Stubborn Fat Gone Online Course — 6 Video Lessons

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Are You Feeling Stressed? Stress Equals Belly Fat. More than just poor dieting or exercise habits, the hidden component affecting our weight is stress that activates our stress hormones. It's so insidious and so prevalent in our lives that the American Psychological Association (APA) calls chronic stress "a public health crisis." This is why Think Fit is the missing key to making Jorge's plan work long-term, until it becomes a lifestyle. Increasing your serotonin levels with Think Fit helps with impulsivity, appetite, and curbs food cravings.

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Does CBD Improve Mental Health?

CBD is so hot right now. The compound is being added to everything from gummies to lattes, attached to claims about how it can improve health in any number of ways. But what do we really know about the validity of those claims? And what are we actually getting in consumer CBD products?

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Cannabis and Stress

Cannabis is rapidly becoming one of the most consumed drugs in Canada. Many report using the drug as a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety.

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Healthy Eating