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Stubborn Fat Gone Online Course — 6 Video Lessons

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Are You Feeling Stressed? Stress Equals Belly Fat. More than just poor dieting or exercise habits, the hidden component affecting our weight is stress that activates our stress hormones. It's so insidious and so prevalent in our lives that the American Psychological Association (APA) calls chronic stress "a public health crisis." This is why Think Fit is the missing key to making Jorge's plan work long-term, until it becomes a lifestyle. Increasing your serotonin levels with Think Fit helps with impulsivity, appetite, and curbs food cravings.

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118 - How to Overcome Body Image Issues with Model Iskra Lawrence

Iskra Lawrence is a British model who has been included in campaigns for major brands without her photos being retouched (something that is quite rare in the modeling industry).

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Body of Truth: How Science, History, and Culture Drive Our Obsession with Weight—and What We Can Do About It

Over the past twenty-five years, our quest for thinness has morphed into a relentless obsession with weight and body image. In our culture, “fat” has become a four-letter word. Or, as Lance Armstrong said to the wife of a former teammate, “I called you crazy. I called you a bitch.

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Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating

In Anti-Diet, Christy Harrison takes on diet culture and the multi-billion-dollar industries that profit from it, exposing all the ways it robs people of their time, money, health, and happiness.

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Busting Myths on Weight and Health

In this video, Dr. Linda Bacon delves into the research and comes up with some surprising results. When you suspend your preconceptions about weight, a very different picture emerges, one where it is the machinery of weight stigma that needs dismantling.

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Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight

Fat isn’t the problem. Dieting is the problem. A society that rejects anyone whose body shape or size doesn’t match an impossible ideal is the problem. A medical establishment that equates “thin” with “healthy” is the problem. The solution? Health at Every Size.

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Radical Belonging: How to Survive and Thrive in an Unjust World (While Transforming It for the Better)

Being “othered” and the body shame it spurs is not “just” a feeling.

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Healthy Eating