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Stubborn Fat Gone Online Course — 6 Video Lessons

On Demand

Are You Feeling Stressed? Stress Equals Belly Fat. More than just poor dieting or exercise habits, the hidden component affecting our weight is stress that activates our stress hormones. It's so insidious and so prevalent in our lives that the American Psychological Association (APA) calls chronic stress "a public health crisis." This is why Think Fit is the missing key to making Jorge's plan work long-term, until it becomes a lifestyle. Increasing your serotonin levels with Think Fit helps with impulsivity, appetite, and curbs food cravings.

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The Art of Cosmic Vision: Practices for Improving Your Eyesight

How to achieve perfect vision naturally through proven eye-training methods • Explains how vision problems are related to imbalances in the internal organs • Provides Taoist and Ayurvedic practices for harmonizing the liver and kidneys, the organs directly associated with eye problems In the...

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Ayurvedic Kitchari Recipe with Jasmine Hemsley | The Happy Pear

We had our wonderful friend Jasmine Hemsely in the kitchen this week to teach us some Ayurvedic cooking tips and Jasmine showed us how to cook a recipe from her amazing book. We cooked a Kitchari, a reach lovely soulful spring dish, it was topped with greens and homemade pesto.

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Healthy Eating