By Elizabeth Brown — 2010
A complete guide for both beginners to dowsing and those who wish to expand their knowledge.
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Dowsing is an art used for millennia to find water, minerals and metals, and today employed by builders, plumbers, and electricians the world over. Although it remains one of the most widely used paranormal skills, little is understood about it.
Comprehensive volume on dowsing and divining (from the twig and the pendulum to motorscopes and bare hands), which traces the story of these fascinating and enigmatic phenomena from its origins in the world of fairy tales and mythology to recent theories that the enigma can be explained in terms of...
"To dowse," says the author of this definitive study of the divining art, "is to search with the aid of a handheld instrument such as a forked stick or a pendular bob on the end of a string - for anything: subterranean water flowing in a narrow underground fissure, a pool of oil or a vein of...
"Extremely informative, factual, and one of the best 'how-to' books I have ever read. A must!"―Uri Geller You can easily locate water, coins, artifacts, lost objects―even missing people―when you follow the simple instructions in this divination book.