By David Frawley — 1999
Yoga & Ayurveda together form a complete approach for optimal health, vitality and higher awareness.
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Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals. Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day - patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to work with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery.
More and more people are turning to new mind-body therapies to address physical and emotional ills.
Survivors of sexual assault are often faced with PTSD, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse. Jacquelyn Weis, a Holistic Healer and sexual abuse survivor, understands the shame-plagued brokenness that results.
The desire to love and be loved and feel valued is universal. Seems easy enough, but for most people it is a constant, and often silent, struggle. Toxic emotions such as fear, resentment, guilt, and shame drain your energy, deflate the spirit, and make you feel stuck.