By David Frawley — 1999
Yoga & Ayurveda together form a complete approach for optimal health, vitality and higher awareness.
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There is no longer any doubt that the way we think affects our bodies: countless scientific studies have shown this to be true. For former pharmaceutical scientist Dr David Hamilton, the testing of new drugs highlighted how profoundly the mind and body are connected.
Poet, playwright, novelist and essayist Deena Metzger has been an inspiration to thousands of women from the first publication of Tree, the 1978 journal in which she recorded her struggle with breast cancer. In this new volume, Tree is placed in the context of Metzger's major statements on healing.
Discover areas of imbalance you might not even know you have and easy ways to address them on your healing journey. With this book, you'll work through: unprocessed experiences, harmful beliefs, unhealthy emotional patterns, and fear.