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Tending the Holy: Spiritual Direction Across Traditions

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By Norvene Vest — 2003

"God is mystery," writes Norvene Vest in the Introduction to Tending the Holy, "and every form of religion is an effort to respond faithfully to the mystery of God by whatever name. See more...

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Healer of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View of God

In a work of remarkable clarity and wisdom, Rabbi Wolpe confronts a central dilemma of modern Judaism, combining his deep knowledge of ancient tradition with modern sensibilities to show contemporary Jews that God still speaks to them--to their daily struggles, angers, fears, and needs, offering...

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Teaching Your Children About God: A Modern Jewish Approach

Many parents find it easier to talk to their children about sex and other intimate matters than to answer questions about God, prayer, good, and evil. In fact, parents may feel they don't know the answers to such questions for themselves, much less for their young children.

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Why Faith Matters

In Why Faith Matters, Rabbi David J. Wolpe blends the powerful personal story of his struggles with his own faith with a poignant response to the new atheists that reveals just how important faith in modern society.

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This book is a study of how Christian worship, viewed in its deepest sense, is a response of the human to the Eternal. There is first an examination of the basic characteristics, in ritual, symbol, sacrifice, and sacrament. The nature and significance of the Eucharist are thoroughly treated.

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The Cloud of Unknowing: A Book of Contemplation

Evelyn Underhill was one of the greatest spiritual writers of the twentieth century. Her legacy as a pivotal figure in Christian mysticism endures today.

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For the Inward Journey

The essence of Dr. Howard Thurman (1900–1981) and his thought emerges in a message of hope, reconciliation, and love.

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Howard Thurman: Essential Writings

Howard Thurman, minister, philosopher, civil rights activist, has been called ‘one of the greatest spiritual resources of this nation.’ His encounters with Gandhi in India helped instill his commitment to nonviolence. This book features some of his writings.

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Sermons on the Parables

Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was one of the finest thinkers and most influential preachers of his era. Yet Thurman's importance goes well beyond his influence on Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the freedom struggle.

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The New Spiritual Exercises: In the Spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

This book presents a spiritual renewal system for contemporary believers based on Ignatius Spiritual Exercises and inspired by the modern insights of Jesuit priest-scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

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Diagrams for Living: The Bible Unveiled

A beloved teacher and best-selling author offers diagrams for living to show "how you can came out of limitation and find real happiness. " Fox has inspired millions of people over the past forty years through his simple, practical guidelines.

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Spiritual Direction