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Conjuring Harriet “Mama Moses” Tubman and the Spirits of the Underground Railroad

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By Witchdoctor Utu — 2019

The spirits of Harriet Tubman, John Brown, and other heroes of the Underground Railroad guide readers on a magical path to healing, empowerment, and liberation. See more...

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The Spirituals and the Blues

Cone explores two classic aspects of African-American culture--the spirituals and the blues--and tells the captivating story of how slaves and the children of slaves used this music to affirm their essential humanity in the face of oppression.

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God of the Oppressed

A landmark in the development of Black Theology and the first effort to present a systematic theology drawing fully on the resources of African-American religion and culture.

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The Cross and the Lynching Tree

The cross and the lynching tree are the two most emotionally charged symbols in the history of the African American community. In this powerful new work, theologian James H. Cone explores these symbols and their interconnection in the history and souls of black folk.

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Diamond Heart Book Five: Inexhaustible Mystery

The final volume in A. H. Almaas’ masterwork on the contemporary spiritual path known as the Diamond Approach. From one perspective, we can see ourselves merely as human beings struggling in a crowded and chaotic world of suffering.

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