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The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercise

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By Lam Kam-Chuen — 1991

For centuries, the Chinese exercise system called Chi Kung has been shrouded in secrecy. The Way of Energy is the first comprehensive guide to the most powerful form of Chi Kung ever developed—“standing like a tree”. See more...

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The Genie in Your Genes: Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention

Your genes respond to your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The way you use your mind shapes your brain, turning genes on and off in ways that can dramatically affect your health and wellbeing.

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The Healing Effects of Energy Medicine: Memoirs of a Medical Intuitive

In this book, Shannon McRae, a gifted clairvoyant and healer, weaves case stories with cutting-edge science to describe her remarkable work with clients at the cellular level, from healing a headache and repairing an eardrum to removing cancer and alleviating depression.

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