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The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal Strength with Chi Kung Exercise

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By Lam Kam-Chuen — 1991

For centuries, the Chinese exercise system called Chi Kung has been shrouded in secrecy. The Way of Energy is the first comprehensive guide to the most powerful form of Chi Kung ever developed—“standing like a tree”. See more...

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Simple Chi Kung: Exercises for Awakening the Life-Force Energy

Distills the many different Chi Kung practices into one simple daily routine for abundant health, calmness, and mental clarity • Provides step-by-step illustrated instructions for a complete yet easy daily Chi Kung routine • Perfect for beginners and ideal as a warm-up to more advanced...

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Qi Gong for Health and Healing: A Complete Training Course to Unleash the Power of Your Life-Force Energy

The qi gong masters say that looking for happiness in the outside world is like trying to catch the wind in a net. If we want true fulfillment, tranquility, and joy, we must cultivate them from within.

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7 Minutes of Magic: Recharge Your Body Each Day with Qi Gong

A blend of Eastern movements rooted in qi gong and Western fitness, 7 Minutes of Magic offers the perfect total workout to dramatically change your energy and fitness levels each day.

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