By Patricia Kaminski, Richard Katz — 2025
A Comprehensive Guide to the Flower Essences researched by Dr. Edward Bach and the Flower Essence Society
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Feelings of depression are as unique as you are. Whether you find yourself overcome by the strain of day-to-day life, experience extreme anxiety, or are dealing with a loss or other traumatic life change, flower essences can effectively help you to manage and overcome depressive thoughts.
In this book, His Divine Presence Avatar Adi Da Samraj offers straightforward and practical guidance for understanding and engaging in energy healing. Through a series of simple practices you'll be able to feel, breath and circulate etheric energy, enhancing well-being in yourself and others.
Discover the remarkable energy therapy that has helped thousands of people when nothing else worked. Anxiety is not "just fear" and it doesn't come from out of the blue. In fact, everything you think you know about anxiety is about to change.
An internationally recognized energy therapist brings her accessible approach to helping anyone struggling with depression to reclaim a joyful life. When we’re depressed we do a bunch of things to help ourselves feel better.
Build a Reliable System of Inner Wisdom Using Your Energy Body This remarkable book makes it easy to receive intuitive guidance whenever you wish, be confident in your answers to life's big questions, and follow your inner wisdom to happiness and success.
Your genes respond to your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. The way you use your mind shapes your brain, turning genes on and off in ways that can dramatically affect your health and wellbeing.
In 1974 Dr. W. Brugh Joy was a distinguished and respected member of the Los Angeles medical community. In that year he contracted a life-threatening disease that culminated in an illuminating meditation, which caused him to give up his medical practice abruptly.
The authors present 30 exercises based on the human body's natural energy fields. The various techniques explained in this book are specifically intended to alleviate physical pain, heal many ailments, and bring comfort to the terminally ill.
The Twelve Healers introduces Dr. Bach's world-renowned remedies, which provide a system for healing the mental and spiritual anguish at the root of ill health and unhappiness.
This is a comprehensive guide to selecting and using the Bach Flower Remedies, ideal for those new to the therapy as well as those who are familiar with the subject. The guide includes detailed descriptions of the 38 remedies as well as practical information on their preparation and administration.